Category Archives: Perspective Corner

  • Yoga Helps Couple with Autistic Son

    It's well known that yoga can improve a person's health. Faithful practitioners can lower their heart rates, become calmer, and reduce stress. But can yoga change another person's life? Madhavi and Radha Manan know that it can. The Pearland couple say they not only see positive changes in themselves, but also say their autistic son […]

  • The Greatest Gift for a Father

    Chris Bauer, a volunteer from iii shares: My father has played quite a significant role in my life, as fathers do. His name is Charles Bauer. He loves reading science fiction novels and listening to all sorts of music, Pink Floyd and Yes being his favorite groups from his youth. He has always been dedicated […]

  • "The Unbounded Becomes a Reality…"

    The below sharing comes from an Isha meditator in Atlanta, GA. Kevin Wilson and his wife Jennifer Wauson received the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra in their home this past weekend. Kevin writes: The grace and love that you experience with a Devi consecration in  your home is something that words can’t translate. When you press […]

  • "Thank You for the Spark" – Houston Participants Share

    The Houston program was a unique event with nearly 1,000 people from all walks of life coming together to meditate at the same time, in the same place. People from different countries and different religions — Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Buddhist — sat side by side, experiencing and learning Inner Engineering. Sadhguru’s vision of […]

  • "The One Person I Had Always Missed…"

    "I grew up in a home tended by a mother who was religious and devotional.  Although not always deeply religious, I did realize that it was something that I gravitated towards.  However, many a times, the drama – and the melodrama – of the religious could put off many, including me.  So, I would end […]