"My Journey is Inward Now" – Sunil Thakkar with Sadhguru

Sunil Thakkar of Houston's Masala Radio interviews Sadhguru after taking the Inner Engineering program. 

Sunil shared that, since the program, "Sadhguru has started an amazing journey for me. I can’t explain that experience in words. I am feeling more peaceful, I am more clear, my mind is calmer, my emotions are calmer and I feel like I am more connected. It is working for me. I really never thought I was looking for something beyond, I am fine the way I am. But the new journey that I am on is intriguing. Now that I have attended the Inner Engineering program, for the first time in my life, my journey is inwards now and I look at everybody, I look at every individual and I see the greatest creation in the existence, in the entire cosmos in front of me. In every single individual, I see the most beautiful machine ever made and I feel it and see it. When I see Sadhguru, I see so much love, I see so much humor, I see so much positive-ness and his ideas are simple to understand and apply in our daily life."

Sadhguru will be offering the Inner Engineering program on October 12-14 in Detroit.


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