Isha Kriya, the Seed of Wellbeing

An Isha meditator recently shared Isha Kriya with his mother. He writes…

At 85, mother has suffered many aches and pains in her aging body. In Oct last year, I was hoping she would be able to attend Long Beach Shambhavi Mahamudra with Sadhguru, except she was in a lot of pain, and her physical condition did not allow her to do so. I suggested learning Isha Kriya when it was first made public. Hesitantly, with much curiosity in her eyes, she sat down in front of the computer with me one day, and I went through the process with her. My mother cannot speak or understand much English, so I translated the instructions of Isha Kriya into Chinese for her so she could follow them on her own.

Towards the end of the process, I told her quietly that Sadhguru is going to sing something, when that happens, just open her heart and receive. With eyes closed, she did exactly that. Sitting next to her, my tears came down on my face. She asked me later what happened? I told her that she now has Sadhguru’s life within her, just like me when I was going thru Inner Engineering Program two and a half years ago.

Six weeks later, I visited her again. I was amazed how well and energetic she looked. She literally looked 5 years younger. She enjoyed it so much that she has been doing the practice twice a day ever since, and she only missed one or two sessions because of her illness.

I am so happy for her, not only that her physical condition has improved dramatically, but that she also received the seed that  Sadhguru  planted within her. I know one day soon this seed will become a tree, a tree of life with Sadhguru’s breath in it. Isha Kriya is working for her.


Tai Yeh
Santa Barbara, CA

  1. Selvaraj R

    Even I too an isha meditator…When I am reading this just tears flow out of my eyes…Shambho!!!…you open the third eye in her…let this grow as a tree…

  2. Helen Glenberg

    This is so beautiful Tai…you are fortunate to still have your mother and it is a blessing to take care of her in the way she is deserving…and that you now a have stronger connection to her than ever before… Helen

  3. Ratnam Vankayala

    That’s simply awesome.Nicely expressed.The divine grace of Sadhguru enables you to experience the divinity in everything.

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