Drinking Choices

Sadhguru on Alcohol and other Intoxicants

Q: I have a college-going son. When my husband comes home after office parties where he has had a few drinks, my son is very upset. My husband says, “You can’t avoid drinks in such places. You will look like an alien.” My son is confused. I am worried.

Sadhguru: If the son comes home drunk, I am sure the father will be upset. If the wife comes home drunk, I am sure he will freak out, isn’t it so?

Right now, we are creating a culture in this country that is very consciously engineered by commercial forces, not by people’s choices. There was a time where if you did not smoke, you were not a man. This is over. Now they are making you feel if you do not drink, you are not a man. And if you are a successful man, you must drink. So we are creating a culture that is not towards wellbeing. This is a culture that is being nurtured by commercial forces who are interested in selling what they want to sell. Commercial forces are made in such a way that if you are willing to eat mud, they will advertise and make you eat mud; they have no issues with it.

Whether to drink or not is your choice. The difference between death and life is – in death you are not alert, in life you are capable of being alert. In sleep you are not alert; in wakefulness you are capable of being alert. Life happens to you only when you are alert and awake. A drink is intoxication, which is taking you away from alertness. Your evening drink or your office party drink seems to be such a big relief right now because you do not know how to make this mind into a blissful process.

If your mind is stressed, tense, and miserable, intoxication looks like a great relief. If you give this message to your life energies, that anything that moves away from life is a relief, then somewhere, the life within you understands that you want to move towards death, and maybe it will deliver you there very quickly.

Right now, your mind is a torturous process. Drink is the only break you have. I can teach you a method with which you can keep your mind in such a way that every moment of your life, your mind is blissful. If you become blissful by your own nature, would you want to intoxicate yourself? You would not want to.

  1. JK

    Drinking of alchohal is never been a custom in any culture or country. Again drinking is not a bad thing, but once we cross the “LINE” then anything is bad for individual with the outcome of individual behavior beyond it.

    Anyone says “You can’t avoid drinks in such places. You will look like an alien.” is simply personal ignorance or lack of awareness on one’s selfcontrol. In western countries no one force you to drink, it is one of the menu item on the meals then as you not eat the things you don’t link .. do the same. Insted of alchohal drink..take some soft drinks or just drink water. No will force one to drink.

    Being a father head,, one should set an example for his kids by not to come home by drinking..


    Awesome! My husband thinks he is a responsible drinker. I know he is not because I see him after he is drunk. I made him read this and he is thinking….. Great start…..at least :) Thanks Satguru. Give him a little more help by sending your blessings.

  3. UK Man

    If you become blissful by your own nature, would you want to intoxicate yourself? You would not want to.

    I think most people don’t know any other way unfortunately…

  4. Veronica

    Totally agree ! Most people think they Must drink even though they don’t like it, or doesn’t make them feel good, only to be accepted by the rest, NO is always an option…that’s what my husband teaches our children

    • Laxman

      This response paints a black and white picture of life. Unfortunately, life is not black and white. There may be many reasons behind why people drink. In addition, most people don’t drink to excess. Indeed, one glass of red wine per day has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the heart. Why only present a one-sided view of thing?

  5. USA culture being nurtured by commercial forces; I believe that is true also. Commercial forces create social pressures and judgments upon individuals. One’s looks, money, job and material things seem to dominate the self-worth of people. Self-Esteem and integrity become a challenge in our society because of it.

    Drinking is a way to “avoid” self and society issues. Somehow the intoxication of drinking allows one to not live in reality. A slightest intoxication effect creates disharmony in the present and the future, it’s a ripple effect because situations and people are not accepted for who & what they are and blaming begins…creating judgments and resentment. Drinking creates disharmony emotionally, spiritually, physically and socially.

    Learning to live differently is a challenge but well worth the experience…it’s a wild ride!

  6. Skywalker

    The solution is an easy one…. drink something non-alcoholic that looks like a “drink”. How about Club Soda with a lime?

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