Announcements and Week-in-Review

This week has been especially exciting for Isha in North America, seeing the launch of the redesigned website, the official USA blog, and our new Twitter as well! Please continue to follow and share the daily updates on Isha happenings across the US and Canada.

Yesterday was the January Open House at iii. A group of guests toured the campus, visited the shrine, learned Isha Kriya, and even enjoyed a hike in the sunny weather. Want to visit the center? Click here for more information.


Watch this week’s episode: “What Kind of Truth Are We Looking For?”
Hata Yoga is scheduled for February 11-12 at the iii center. For more information on the Hata program click here.

Isha Kriya sessions are happening across the country. Check the Isha Kriya events calendar for sessions near you

Have an idea for the blog? Send your suggestions, sharings, announcements, event reports and photos to

Read an inspiring sharing from an Isha meditator sharing Isha Kriya in Guatemala:



I live in Guatemala, a predominantly Spanish speaking country in Central America near Mexico. As far as I knew I was the only meditator in this country. During Guru Poornima in 2010, I met Sadhguru at the ashram at iii and he blessed me saying, "You need to do a revolution in Guatemala". Though his words would ring in my ears every single day, I was too skeptical as to how to go about it since I was not fluent in Spanish, and Yoga is a very new concept in this country. 

I missed Isha Sathsangs severely here, and I would long for a day when there were meditators to give me company. I started learning Spanish with a sole motive of spreading Isha here in this country. Slowly I got fluent with the language. I would send mails about Isha Yoga and share videos of Sadhguru with my friends here. Some responded and some did not. But I did not give up.

When Sadhguru introduced Isha Kriya last year, I was more than happy and knew that it is not far away that his words are going to be true. I invited two of my friends initially to my house and we practised the Kriya together from the online video and then introduced them to some Isha style Indian food as well. My husband, my kids and I would light lamps, draw rangoli, light incense, set up speakers and decorate the house and prepare food for the participants.

The participants felt peace and joy and started volunteering for the coming weeks and even helped me to translate the Kriya in Spanish. I would cry in gratitude to Sadhguru as to why he has chosen "me" to do this wonderful job of volunteering in a country which is unheard of to many around the world.

Every week, the participants started coming, and it resembled a mini-Sathsang in our house. The positive energy that would fill the house at those times and the blissed out participants after the Kriya cannot be described in words. The Guru takes care of you many ways than one, and I no longer missed the Sathsangs of Isha when I knew that we can conduct it here in Guatemala itself, and there is a potential for many more meditators in the country. So far eighteen participants have been initiated into the Isha Kriya.

Slowly, Isha in Guatemala is growing, and I look forward to a day when we could have Sadhguru's Sathsang in Guatemala.

I have only Sadhguru's words to quote here, which mean a lot to me at the moment, 

"Nothing worthwhile in your life happens with fancifulness, it needs to be built brick by brick. Only then it works and it stays."

She updates, “Now we have around 100 people who are initated to the Isha Kriya here in Guatemala, and we are conducting in some corporations and some schools.”

*Isha Kriya is a simple and powerful practice created by Sadhguru which has the potential to transform the life of anyone who is willing to invest just a few minutes a day. It is available for free at as a guided meditation with an instructional video and downloadable instructions. Daily practice of Isha Kriya brings health, dynamism, peace and wellbeing. For Isha Kriya in languages other than English, please contact


One Comment
  1. Rebecca

    This is so inspiring! Your story brought tears to my eyes. You remind me that I need to look at what I can do to start building what I want to see happen around me. This life must not to be wasted.

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