Saturday Sharing – a Day on the Farm, an Isha Kriya Experience, and Community Involvement

San Francisco volunteers learn about sustainable agriculture by volunteering at Sunnyvale farm

There is a little gem in the heart of Silicon Valley! Isha volunteers, along with their friends and family, discovered it together on a sunny Saturday:

"We helped the farm crew of Full Circle Farm in Sunnyvale. Sustainable agriculture is labor intensive, and we helped with tasks such as spreading compost, weeding, thinning, cultivating beds, mulching, and harvesting compost. Some of us even got an opportunity to plant peas! As fruits of our labor – we were allowed to take samples of fresh farm grown organic produce home with us!"

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“Whether it is love, or flowers in your garden, or success in your life, or enlightenment, unless you create the necessary conditions, it will not happen.

Whatever we do, it is not to make the flower, but only to create the conditions, so that flowers will happen.

So whether it is flowers in your garden, or flowers within, you have to create the necessary conditions.” – Sadhguru


An Isha Kriya Experience

A new meditator shares his experience of learning Isha Kriya

“It all turned out to be a twist of fate in my case. Way back in 1977 I was introduced to the Transcendental Meditation by a Sanskrit professor. I was very skeptical about it and I could not pursue it.

On my recent visit to the U.S, I attended a meditation class arranged by Isha organizers in a temple at Houston. It was a video program and Sadhguru appeared on the screen and briefed and explained Isha kriya. It lasted for about 40 minutes. It was a simple device of breathe-in and breathe-out exercise. What struck me was the ‘Beeja Mantra’ the Veda mantra, the Sukti , the concept of detachment- ‘I’m not the body and I’m not the mind’. It had an electrifying effect on me. I pursued the kriya for the stipulated period of 48 days and now I feel elated and am in pursuit of ‘Know Thyself’.

I’m nearing seventy, ardently hoping to take up the other yoga courses formulated by Sadhguru. I feel a free man, liberated from the shackles of life!!”

-Venkatesh Murthy



Community Members Gather to Learn about Isha Foundation’s Endeavor to Share Yoga with the Houston Community

Isha Foundation, a non-religious, non-profit organization, in their effort to raise human consciousness through yoga, held their first meeting with community members at Mayuri Restaurant with enthusiasm to share their message with all including youth, senior citizens, health-care professionals, corporate execs, etc.

It was heartwarming to see a group of committed community leaders listening earnestly and getting a glimpse of the work that has been carried out by the Foundation and its volunteers for the past 30 years with the guidance of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.  Over the past few months, volunteers have conducted over 200 free meditation outreach sessions reaching over 1800 people. Isha Foundation volunteers are working tirelessly to share the benefits of yoga and about their upcoming signature event with Sadhguru May 4-6 at the George R. Brown Convention Center.  Meetings will continue weekly with community members on Sunday afternoon in Sugarland. All are welcome. For info, 281 221 4026.

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