"My World Started to Lighten Up" – An Isha Kriya Experience

Shawn Johnson shares his experience of learning Isha Kriya:

"I was recently married, and I am in the process of blending my family my new wife's twins – each 11 years old.  So now I have three children.  If you have kids you know how tough this can be.  Before Christmas I found Isha and signed up for IE online but did not complete the program due to work and holidays.

I began my work in earnest on Jan 3rd of this year.  I began with the morning “ahhhhhhooooooommmm” meditation that Sadhguru teaches in the IE class and did that for 15 minutes for 15 days just like Sadhguru asked.  I chose first thing in the morning because I felt like it was a centering or grounding meditation.  After 15 days I noticed that allof the worry/suffering I had in my life around blending my family together began to dissipate.  I even started to grow into the fun parent in the house, always playing and laughing.  I find it very difficult to work myself into a bad mood or create negative feelings about much of anything.  I rarely laughed in life and took the world too seriously. Now I laugh all the time and feel the love bubbling up in my heart.

Then on the evening of the 15th day I started my Kriya practice, and my world really started to lighten up.  I believe this meditation is to distance myself from the body and mind, and so I felt it was appropriate to do in the evening after a long a day work with people.  I started with a quick cool shower and then completed 18 minutes of Kriya.  I began to notice the outside world started falling away for me – I was able to move through all situations with grace and ease, knowing that no matter what was happening it was happening to a body and a mind but not me.  To understand and know the me and the not me allowed me to fully open to every situation and allow them to flow through my life, offering the good and the bad without any of the emotional baggage that comes with all experience.

I feel alive and renewed and the best part about these practices for me was it brought out honesty in my life.  I can freely communicate all good and bad without any of the troubles that come with managing personal relationships.  These meditations have taught me to trust myself and not live in fear of any aspect of life.  Living a fear-free life, I have found a level of integrity and compassion for all beings and that has transformed me from an isolated introvert into lovingness, happiness and freedom."

-Shawn Johnson, Denver CO


Isha Kriya is a free, simple, powerful guided meditation designed by Sadhguru, whcih you can learn and do at home.  Please see Isha Kriya for more information.


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