Life at Full Throttle – Christian Rado

Christian Rado is a professional race car driver with his own WORLD Racing team: a championship racer and motorsports icon who has visited and spent time at the Isha centers in both the US and India, attended various Isha programs, and also supported Inner Engineering programs in California. Before he encountered Isha and Sadhguru, Christian was experiencing severe health issues that threatened his career and his life. He writes:

"For about a 3 year period, I was being hospitalized every couple of weeks. I was being sent to the hospital by ambulance in intense pain – so much so, that I was completely debilitated. It has been 3 years since I took Inner Engineering. And the week I left the program is the same week that all my health problems left. I've never once been back to the hospital for the chronic stomach pain and nausea that I was experiencing. I'm in a completely different place now. I've never been healthier. I've never been happier. I've had the most successful year of my career ever."

In Jan 2011, Christian sat down with Sadhguru for “Life at Full Throttle”, an exciting episode in the In Conversation with the Mystic series. During the conversation, the two addressed many interesting questions from outside viewers, including Sadhguru’s  experience of driving Christian’s racecar, meditating without losing one’s competitive edge, balancing one’s risk-taking with family obligations, as well as responding to reactions from family and friends when one takes up a spiritual path, developing mental capability and focus with meditation, and even the possibility of the year 2012 as a time of elevating human consciousness on Earth. You can watch this episode in the two parts below:

The most difficult thing to race with is yourself, not someone else. To be able to take yourself to the limits, but never breaking up – that’s the essence of life. One who saves himself never gets anywhere. One who crosses the limit, of course gets somewhere, but he won’t be here. To be able to get to the last point and still not flip over, is the essence of life.” – Sadhguru

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