Isha Kriya at Texas VegFest in Austin

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The city of Austin celebrated TexasVegFest on March 31 and Isha Foundation volunteers were right there at the pioneering event. The volunteers staffed a booth offering demos on how to sprout mung beans and handed out delicious vegetarian recipes featuring winter melon, refreshing drinks and energizing smoothies.  Booth visitors were encouraged to try their own sprouting at home.

Isha volunteers also led three 15-minute Isha Kriya meditation sessions throughout the day. More than one hundred Texas VegFest attendees took the opportunity to experience a few minutes of stillness at the Grand Stand of Fiesta Gardens, overlooking Ladybird Lake.  “I have to admit… I wasn't sure how many people were actually going to participate in the meditation, but every time I would walk by, I saw lots of people quietly sitting up in the stands!” said Angela Ramsammy, Executive Director of the event.

After each guided mediation session, many expressed how relaxed they felt and how the constant chatter that usually clutters their minds quieted down. Many were trying meditation for the very first time and were very enthusiastic after the session. One participant, Vinnie Hogan, shared that he usually has a constant dull pain in his stomach area and that this pain was gone by the time the session ended. The last session of the day ended with a touching and spontaneous round of applause.

To help fulfill the wish of Isha Foundation volunteers that the benefits of this meditation may reach every single human being on the planet, free Isha Kriya dvds were distributed to all participants in all three sessions. The Isha Kriya may also be shared with others through the website If interested in hosting a session please contact a local volunteer at or .

Thank you to Texas VegFest coordinators for a beautifully organized event that gave us an opportunity to reach out to people that are looking to live more consciously. We are looking forward to participating in VegFest in Houston and around the nation wherever our volunteers can go!

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