Devi Seva – A Sharing

Linga Bhairavi is the most exuberant expression of the Divine Feminine. Refined and raw, powerful and colorful, earthy, humane and mother-like, Linga Bhairavi is an absolute woman of ultimate proportions, fierce and compassionate at once. Representing the creative and nurturing aspects of the universe, she is the ultimate manifestation of the Mother Goddess – powerful and all-encompassing. The energy of Linga Bhairavi strengthens the three basic chakras in the human system; thus stabilizing one’s body, mind and energy system. For all those who seek to live life intensely, Devi’s Presence and Grace will assist in the process.

In the following sharing, Jason Cutler, an Isha volunteer from Tennessee relates his experience of performing seva (service) at the Linga Bhairavi temple at Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India: 

"What I went through during my time in close proximity to Devi was truly the most transformative experience of my life. Being a country boy from the state of Tennessee, I really had no clue what I was getting myself into during my first week in India. But after three days of silence, I soon became increasingly aware of the space that can be created inside oneself, by simply realizing how immensely small you actually are. I saw that Devi had no bounds, and time and space did not contain her. I found myself surrendering to her Grace, especially in tough situations, and began to reap the fruit of some hard realizations. Seeing what has really gone into a tree to make it this way, or a leaf, or a rock. Seeing that even the wind-strewn leaf upon the ground has the Creator’s intelligence within it, was a much needed and wonderful experience.


I began to feel myself a different man. I carried within me the sentiment of how Devi began to make me feel, so beautifully worthless. I would say, standing next to the enormous tamarind tree, where we would chant during each of the Kalabhairava Karmas, was a big turning point for me. I saw the earth subtly become the root of all the tree’s grandeur and intricacy. I witnessed its body take on the element of fire and transform itself into the subtle sea that we call air. I perceived the random angle and manifestation of the branch crown formation and saw the beauty of the empty space that allows this entity to be and grow without restriction of definitive pattern. As I simply bowed to that tree, I discovered it held the cosmos within it, and I cowered with humility and saw that this was the key. To become less and less until there is no more. Then and only then perhaps, I can allow something that beautiful to grow inside of me.

Jai Bhairavi Devi, I am smitten and humbled by your Grace,

Jai Bhairavi Devi, I am crushed and formed new by your warm embrace,

Jai Bhairavi Devi, I seek only to exist within your infinite loving space.

To all those who made this possible, Sadhguru especially, the wonderful Bhairagini Maas and to all the volunteers, who were all the time full of energy and whom I would need years of Olympic training to keep up with, I am sincerely grateful."

– Jason Cutler

To learn more about Linga Bhairavi, please visit

To manifest Devi’s Grace in your home, Linga Bhairavi Yantras are available, which are specifically designed and consecrated by Sadhguru to create a situation of inner and outer wellbeing. Offered only a few times a year, the next opportunity to receive a Yantra as a special offering from Sadhguru, will be on April 6th at the Isha Yoga Center. For more information and registration details, please contact 94432 51234 or email

Be sure to read today's Sadhguru Spot, in which Sadhguru describes his travels in London and Switzerland!


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