Category Archives: Sadhguru’s Insight

  • Children and Technology

      Questioner: I am a mother with young children, so could you just give me some words of advice – how can I help my children? Sadhguru: One thing you need to understand is, your children are not exclusively under your influence. There are so many other forces that are influencing them every day. When I say […]

  • Gratitude Means…

    Sadhguru explains that gratitude means being receptive to life… Most people cannot receive something gracefully. Social ethics have taught us that giving is important, but taking is not important. Yes, taking is not important — taking is ugly — but receiving is very important; it takes a certain amount of gracefulness, a certain amount of […]

  • Study or Experience?

    Sadhguru on Ways to Approach Consecrated Spaces   The following is an excerpt from a darshan with Sadhguru at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, Tennessee, USA, on 10 May 2011. Questioner: Sadhguru, you have spoken about the importance of creating consecrated spaces. If a study was to be done about consecrated spaces, what sorts of […]

  • Why Light an Oil Lamp?

    Q: Sadhguru, what is the significance of lighting an oil lamp? Sadhguru: This is an ancient tradition. You need to understand how people lived – obviously, there were no electric lamps in ancient times. Houses were generally built out of thatch and organic material; people could not afford to have huge windows, so homes used to be […]

  • Sadhguru on Natural Calamities

    Sadhguru speaks on how a person should be to handle any type of calamity in their lives: In the last few years the volume of rain in Tamil Nadu has gone up by almost 100%. Excessive rains will turn the land into a desert much faster than no rain. You see almost all the cities […]

  • What Happens After Death?

    Across Mexico and Latin America, November 1st and 2nd are celebrated as Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. On these days, families remember and honor relatives and loved ones who have died by offerings of food and drink, flowers and beautiful decorations with rich colors and symbolism, costumes, and sometimes small […]

  • The Costume of Personality

    Sadhguru speaks about the personality as a costume we create for ourselves – one which, if we learn to keep it down, we can change and transform however we want.  Personality is a limited identity that you create for yourself, and a large part of it is an unconscious creation. This personality is essential as […]